Christopher Columbus: Hero Or Villain

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The amount of fame Christopher columbus gets for discovering America is ridiculous, most of the time several people don’t realize he did not discover it at all the natives living there, was proof. Even if Columbus did “Discover America” he shouldn’t be seen as the hero he is the villain, for example, Columbus painted a disgusting picture of the friendly Natives. He wrote in his journal “They … brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things… They willingly traded everything they owned… They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features…. They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made …show more content…

At the point when Columbus came to Hispaniola for the first time, he met a populace of native people called the Taino. A friendly batch, they happily exchanged jewelry, animals, and supplies with the sailors. “They were very well built, with very handsome bodies and very good faces,” Columbus wrote in his diary. “They do not carry arms or know them....They should be good servants.” The natives were shortly forced into slavery, and penalized with the loss of a limb or death if they failed to muster enough gold (Columbus was allowed to keep an amount for himself afterward.) Between the European’s cruel situation and their infectious diseases, within ten years, the Taino population was wiped …show more content…

In 1499, the Spanish monarchs discovered of the mistreatment of Spanish colonists in Hispaniola, as well as the beating and executions without trial. Columbus, who was governor of the region, was captured, tied up, and taken back to Spain. though a number of the fees could have been made up by his political enemies, Columbus admitted to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella that several of the accusations were true. Columbus was stripped of his title as governor.
Christopher Columbus was an overrated Historical Figure because he didn’t prove the Earth is round. It’s nearly certain that in the 1490s, no one thought the earth was flat. in keeping with historian “no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the Earth was flat.” That was because of scientists, philosophers and mathematicians who, as early as around 600 B.C., created observations that Earth was spherical.
The legend of Columbus' supposed flat earth theory is enticing, Problem is, it's totally false. The legend doesn't return Columbus' own timeframe. Rather, it had been invented in 1828, once Washington Irving published The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Irving, who at the time was famous for his short stories “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Rip Van Winkle.” He was invited to stay with his friend, Alexander Hill Everett, the United States Minister to

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