Christianity Project Essay

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Christianity Project
I have learned the importance of ministry during my stay at KCC. I’ve learned that ministry comes in various from, sharing the word of God with others to assisting a peer with homework or giving a friend a ride to a store. All our actions can be considered a type of ministry. Throughout my studies at KCC I have learned that Ministry means simply being a servant to God and to man.
Before coming to KCC, I thought ministry focused directly on peaching and teaching within the four walls of the church. I have been attending church since birth which made me aware of a few different ministries within my home church in Louisiana. My understanding of real ministry was limited to things I could visually witness going on in church. For example; the music ministry, youth leaders and assistant ministries roles. Along with growth, maturity and studying here at KCC, I have come to realize that my mother and grandmother always worked in various forms ministries throughout my entire life. My mom often cooked and fed many of our family members. She often encouraged me to clean my closet and give clothes to those less fortunate than we are, and I often witnessed her driving elderly family members to and from church. As I became older and …show more content…

Often my teammates and I worked on assignments and I shared my technology skills while we worked together in our dorm and library. Something as simple as explaining how to use various tools such as spell and grammar check and how to insert headers and footers. As I previously mentioned, ministry is a service and I am continuously working my ministry by assisting others by giving examples and ideas relating to class assignments. I was blessed by my grandfather with a car during the Christmas break and after returning to school, I also served my peers and teammates by providing rides to and from work, the stores and even

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