Christian Stereotypes Essay

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With Christianity being the third oldest religion out of the four in this assignment, it has had many ups and downs in its history, while also being misunderstood and stereotyped. One such stereotype is that all Christian Priests are pedophiles and molesters. I believe that this might have started because of how there are always stories of priests being pedophiles and tricking children. In addition, people assume that the trust that is confided into the priests makes it easier for them to trick kids. But, this stereotype is (mostly) untrue. Recent studies have shown that one in fifty priests are sexual abusers, pedophiles, or molesters. In other words, about four percent of Priests are one of the above. Another such stereotype is that all Christians are closed minded and are intolerant towards everyone else’s ideas, beliefs, values and opinions, even if they know that the said ideas, beliefs, opinions, or values are …show more content…

Christianity differs majorly from my religion, Judaism. The all-important difference between Christianity and Judaism is the Person of Jesus Christ. Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of a coming Messiah, while followers of Judaism often recognizes Jesus Christ as a great teacher. The followers of Christianity teach that God has abandoned the Jews as his chosen people, and that he transferred this belief to the followers of Christianity. This generally produces a great furious response within the Jewish community. Many followers of Judaism do not at all appreciate any attempts of Christians trying to convert them to Christianity. But, there are also many similarities between them too. The two faiths both have an origin in the Middle East, but the religion of Judaism stresses the trueness of only one God and rejects the Christian concept of a God in a human

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