Christian Persecution in Nigeria

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Nigeria is the most populated nation in Africa and lies on the continents fault line between the largely muslim north and the predominantly christian south. For several years now radical muslims have been carrying out a holy war or “jihad” against christians in Nigeria in hopes of one day establishing a separate Islamic state in the country’s north. Over the last decade there have been thousands of christian fatalities perpetrated by muslim extremist.
Christians every day are having their rights violated and live terrefied of possible attacks from terrorist organizations whose sole purpose is to attack Christians. The problem has intensified and grown to a point where police have to stand watch outside of church services to protect the people inside from possible attacks and raids from violent religious persecutors.
These religious persecutors are mainly the Boko Haram, a terrorist group who’s attacks target christians. “Boko Haram” which means “western education is forbidden” has existed in several forms since the late 1990’s. The group which is behind most attacks on christians in Nigeria conducts military grade attacks on civilions several times a week.

The terrorist organization suffered setbacks in July 2009 when clashes with Nigerian government forces led to the death of hundreds of its members including the former leader Mohammed Yusuf. In July of 2010 the group’s leader Abu Bakrer and second-in-command Abubaker Shekau appeared in a video claiming leadership of the terrorist organization and threatening attacks on all western influence. months in Nigeria. Later thatstatementekau issued a second staement expressing solidarity with al-Qa’ida and threatening the United States.
Under Shekau’s leadership Boko Haram has co...

... middle of paper ... to raid chrisitian villages.Everyday in Nigeria at least one chrisitan has their religous rights violated in some way or form. The terrorist will not stop until they get what they want or until they or stopped. And the only hope for some people is that someone interferes with the terrorist and stops their reign of violence over the innocent people of the poverty stricken country.

Works Cited
“22 Christans Killed in Attack On Church in Northeastern n.p. 28,
Jan,2014. Web. 28, Jan, 2014Christiansarem”. The National Counterterrorism Center. NCTC. n.d. Web. 5th, Feb, 2014.
Greene, Richard Allen. “Religious PersecuHaramis Widespread, Report Warns”. CNN,
29 Apr, 2010.web. 2 Feb, 2014
Musselman, Greg. “NigeReligioustians Face Persecution”. The Christian
Broadcasting Network Inc, n.d.web. 10, Feb. 2014.

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