Christian Action Assignment

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For the Christian Action Assignment, I volunteered at two places. I first volunteered at the Festival of Trees for four hours, then at my former junior high, École St. Cecilia Junior High School. The Festival of Trees is an annual organization which goes on for a few days during the end of November. It is focused on Christmas and holiday themed activities and is frequently visited by families/people with small children. The purpose of this organization is to raise money to support Northern Alberta’s only Level One Trauma Centre to provide the needed equipment to take care of their severely injured patients. At this organization, I worked at the Ice and Eat station where I was required to provide supplies for children and adults who came by to our station to decorate cookies. As well, at the end of my shift, I was instructed to clean the station and tidy up the general area. The Festival of Trees shows a connection to the Christian faith as the organization is focused on raising money for severely injured people in need of care, as well as providing a Christmassy …show more content…

While working at the Festival of Trees, I was helping and assisting people throughout the night and had interesting conversations with different people. One of the memorable conversations I had was with a young boy who seemed to maybe be around seven or eight years old. While he was decorating his cookie at my station, he told me what he thought Christmas was all about. He told me that Christmas was about giving to others and how Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus and not about material items and presents. While I knew that this is what Christmas is really about, I was intrigued because this young boy was so interested in telling me what he believed to be the true meaning of Christmas and I enjoyed having this conversation with

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