Analysis Of Richard Blanco's 'America'

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Different Culture

Poems are forms of communication that give an applicable view of the past, present and future events. Reading the poem titled “America”, written by Richard Blanco brought me memories from my childhood in my parent’s house and also what is happening now in my house as a parent. The poem explains how one person doesn’t have all the knowledge about something. It also, describes the daily life struggles I experienced during my childhood, when my parent 's and I moved from our hometown to live in another town becuase of their work and it brings to light the conflict of cultures I and my children are going through since we moved to United State of America . Poems are significant because in the poem titled “America” …show more content…

The poem “America” also shows that not all households in America eat the specific food or drink that has been assigned to a particular occasion due to the poverty of the household, their belief or heritage. The poet wrote about his family eating pork on Thanksgiving Day instead of the traditional baked turkey, and on every other occasion because, that was the food his parents grew up with and prefer to cook. Likewise, during thanksgiving in my house I don’t cook the traditional meal that is a baked turkey and mashed potatoes, rather I cook food from my native country because that is what I know how to cook and enjoy …show more content…

Richard Blanco wrote about how he convinced his family to have turkey on Thanksgiving Day by explaining to them how Lincoln set the slaves and the purple mountain [---] liberty and justice for all majesty free why it is important to celebrate thanksgiving. Similarly, during my childhood, my parents have different religion that do not celebrate Christmas ,but the community that we live in are Christians and they celebrate Christmas so for us not to be isolated, my older brother convinced my parent for us to cook and partake in the celebration by telling them how Christmas came

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