Chris Farley Paper

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“Maybe I'm Amazed” : Chris Farley’s Communication Apprehension Tendency Some symptoms of communication apprehension that Chris Farley exhibited would be excessive fidgeting with his hands, fast pace breathing, trouble encoding his speech, intense posture, and lack of direct eye contact. When considering all the communication apprehension that Chris Farley showed, it definitely had an impact of how I perceived him as an interviewer. I perceived Chris Farley during the skit as someone who is nervous, a little unprepared, and has unfocused energy. He seems nervous because of his constant fidgeting with his hands and because of the lack of eye contact with Paul Mccartney. And because often he could not get his words to come out as he wished he was having a lot of difficulty with encoding. Lastly the energy he gave off during the interview was very sporadic and felt all over the place partially due to how nervous he was during the skit. When considering all of the communication apprehensions exhibited Chris Farley overall all came across as ill prepared and not as professional. …show more content…

By this interaction Chris’s self concept took on new dimensions of him seeing himself as a shy or nervous person, someone not able to talk in front of a crowd or celebrity, and someone who has a social role of being just an ordinary person in front of a legendary celebrity like Paul Mccartney. But also this interaction affects the emotional side of self-concept which is self-esteem. In the video Chris said “I am so stupid” or “I am a idiot”. With this interaction Chris’s self-esteem decreased as he continued to self-talk negatively and put himself

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