Chinese Cinderella Quotes

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Adeline encounters many hardships but always perseveres, similar this quote, “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” (Maya Angelou). In the novel, Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah, Adeline and Aunt Baba have a close relationship in which they both depend on each other in similar ways. In the story, they both rely on each other for love, acceptance, and making each other feel better.
Throughout the novel, Adeline and Aunt Baba’s relationship grows because of their love for each other. In the book the author states, “Keep in mind always, always [...] that you are important wherever you may be…” (Yen Mah 195). In part of the book, Aunt Baba tells Adeline that she will always be there and love her. This quote shows that they both sincerely love each other and will always be there for the other. To prove that they both care so much about each other, the author demonstrates it by writing, “What happened to you? [...] Baba hurried over, held out her …show more content…

“...Aunt Baba sitting by the dressing table, crying. I crawled into her lap and put my arms around her to comfort her.” (Yen Mah 19). This shows that Adeline truly cares about Aunt Baba even from a young age and aims to make her feel better when she is distraught. It also shows that Aunt Baba also admires Adeline for her strength to get past this horrible event. In the book it states, “Your future is limitless and I shall always be proud of you…” (Yen Mah 197). This means that Aunt Baba knows that Adeline will go on to do great things in her life and makes her feel better about her current situation. She shows Adeline that even though she is facing a hardship now, it will still pay off later. Aunt Baba truly make Adeline feel better about herself and along the way makes herself feel

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