Analysis Of Trapline By Eden Robinson

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Traplines is a collection of short stories by the Canadian author Eden Robinson. These fictional short stories each have a narrator that is a child who experiences circumstances that most children of their age should not have to face. As the title of these works suggests the children seem to be trapped in their situations one way or another, and they simply have to take what life throws at them. Each of them, however, seem to be trapped by silence in their predicaments. Often the narrators turn to addiction, such as drugs or alcohol, and even suicide and violence as the only possible escapes from their circumstances. Eden Robinson first starts Traplines with the short story “Traplines”. The narrator Will is a young man who experiences an abusive home life. Will’s dad abuses Eric - Will’s brother - and in return Eric abuses Will. Will is at Mrs. Smythe’s house, his English teacher, a place where he often goes to escape from his family life when he thinks that his ribs hurt because “ Eric hit [him] pretty hard and they’re bruised” (Robinson 17) but this was only because “Eric got hit pretty hard by Dad” (17). This represents the cycle of abuse. Will will continue to be abused until his dad stops abusing his brother. He is trapped in this cycle and in silence because he cannot tell anyone what his dad does to his brother because …show more content…

The narrator of this short story is Adelaine, a young native girl who is being molested by her Uncle Josh for money and gifts. She is trapped in a cycle of abuse, her uncle was molested by the priest in residential school and now her uncle molests her. She has a flashback to when she was a kid watching Sesame Street and she says “Uncle Josh undoes his pants” (190) and that when “it’s over he’ll have treats for me” (190). She says that she is not like her sister who “runs to Mommy about everything” (190). She has no way out of the cyle, she is trapped in

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