Chillingworth's Innocence

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By helping Dimmesdale, Hester realizes that she is not truly alone, and that realization saved her from becoming some prideless woman that she was not. As Hester regained her natural dignity, she claimed "The scarlet letter had not done its office" (Hawthorne 184) because it never destroyed her pride (Hawthorne 184). Hester became "determined to redeem her error" (Hawthorne 185) she was too prideful to let her past defy her future. Hester knew that in order to help Dimmesdale, she must first face Chillingworth and end his evil ways. When Hester confronts Chillingworth, he refuses to forgive Dimmesdale (Swisher 48), so Hester boldly decides to break her vow to Chillingworth and tell Dimmesdale who the physician really is. By deciding to do

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