Children Of The Dust Characters

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The novel Children of the dust by Louise Lawrence is about the aftermath of a nuclear war. It follows the story of three generations of a family and their journey to recovery. Two characters in the novel that helped me understand the important message of the success of a group depends on the quality of the leader were Veronica and Sarah as their different leadership skills contrasted revealing the importance of a good leader and how their actions impacted the survival of Catherine. In the novel Veronica is a poor leader. As the nuclear war occurred she became selfish and no longer put the needs of her children in front of her own. The stress of the situation got to Veronica and rather than taking control and looking out for her children she …show more content…

This affected William and Catherine because Veronica was their mother and the person they looked to for any compensation that everything was going to be alright. When Veronica snapped at them it diminished any hope they had previously and made them think that Veronica did not care about them. It bought Catherine and William to begin to think negatively based on the emotional decision of Veronica. Rather than being strong for her children and persevering to do what was the best for them, being someone inflicting hope and courage in order for them to as a group stay strong and have the best chance of survival without completely falling apart, she made an emotional decision and snapped at her children. This portrayed selfishness because she was only thinking about herself when she chose to react in such a way rather than how her actions could affect William and Catherine. Over time the pressure of looking after her children in a time of such unfortunate events got to Veronica and she began to break down and lose hope. “Oh god. I can’t go on like this. I just can’t.” If Veronica was a selfless leader she would have found a way to persevere through this difficult time of such stress and pressure for the good of William, Catherine and Sarah but instead she lacked motivation and resulted …show more content…

At the beginning of the novel as Veronica became a nihilist Sarah selflessly stepped up and did everything she could do to take responsibility of William and Catherine. She came to realise she was all they had left and was their only hope. “It had to be her. She would have to take on the responsibility Veronica had abandoned.” This showed that Sarah was a selfless leader because stepping up required personal sacrifice as she no longer had only herself to worry for but she devoted herself to taking care of William and Catherine. This shows us that Sarah was a respectable and selfless leader because she took the role of responsibility when Veronica broke down and became selfish. Sarah showed compassion as she came to realise she was going to die so she stepped up and devoted the rest of her like to making sure Catherine had the necessities to survive. “Her part was over, her purpose played out. She had lived for Catherine.” This portrays Sarah's selfless leadership qualities. Despite her acknowledging the fact she was going to die she continued focusing on helping Catherine which impacted Catherine greatly. Sarah's willingness to help Catherine was a vital part of Catherine's survival because without her Catherine would not have had the right tools and environment to survive and as a group together they would have failed. Sarah stepped up and took responsibility of Catherine and William without having to be persuaded but purely because she

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