Children In Poverty

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Children in Poverty Child poverty has been a topic that I personally have never come into contact with growing up or in a professional context. While I am aware that there are people who live in poverty and struggle in America, I was never confronted with the idea that children live in poverty and how they understand it and how that affects them. Reading the article and how poverty affects their school life and their learning, and how they treat school can set them up to stay in poverty the rest of their lives and can continue the vicious cycle of poverty. The article addressed how if schools could pin point the child living in poverty they could set up learning supports and other supports to help the child. But more often than not the child …show more content…

The article talked about one of the challenges being relationships with and involvement of parents and families. This challenge talked about how parents are the key and the major factor in how children view and learn from their world. So when poverty comes into the mix, it affect the parents stress level, it effects the parents ability to take time to parent and spend positive time with their children. When parents can’t have that time and experiences with their children, the parents are less likely to be involved in their children’s school, which would influence the child growing up in a negative way. This article also talked about how strengthening the relationships between the parents and the child will help them both rebuild their lives and will provide them with coping mechanisms to get out of poverty and stay out of poverty when the child is an …show more content…

It is important that the parents feel like they have support from their community so that they stay in that area, so then the schools have more time and opportunities to work with the child and their families. When looking at other online recourses they also agree to best help children and families in poverty it is important to start with working with the parents. One online source said that “To end child poverty we must ensure all parents and caregivers have the resources to support and nurture their children: jobs with livable wages, affordable high-quality child care so that caregivers can work, supports for working families like the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, and safety nets supports like TANF, nutrition, and housing assistance to make sure children’s basic needs are met,”(Children Defense Fund, 2017). While the article or the video did not mention any government assistance, that would one option the community could put the parents in touch with, then they could work with the family on their relationships and coping skills. This source is talking about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. We need to make sure that the families basic needs are getting met before we can try to get them to work on their relationships or their school

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