Children Growing Up In Poverty

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Being born into poverty and staying in poverty is a reoccurring theme in highly impoverished areas. The educational system in poverty stricken areas play a huge role on the lives of children growing up in these poor lifestyles and creates little to no real assistance in helping these kids escapes the grasp of poverty. The parent(s) of children growing up in poverty play a crucial role in creating a safe environment- proper fundamentals, education, and health- that will propel these children into a functioning member of society . Susan B. Neuman, a professor in educational studies who specializes in early literacy development at the University of Michigan, and Donna C. Celano, an assistant professor of communication at La Salle University in …show more content…

As a result of parents who are working below the federal poverty line, their children are left with an inadequate amount of one-on-one time from their parents or guardians leaving them unable to develop the fundamental and educational skills required to obtain normalcy in society until later in life. Since parent(s) living in poverty are so consumed in supporting the family financially, the effects it plays on the children often go unseen. Parents should be playing a greater role in their child’s life to help them succeed in the future. In the article, “Behavioral And Socioemotional Outcomes Through Age 5 Years Of The Legacy For Children Public Health Approach To Improving Developmental Outcomes Among Children Born Into Poverty” it states that “Interventions to increase the number of parents who provide nurturing environments in socioeconomically disadvantaged circumstances could improve children’s short- and long-term health and development by placing vulnerable children on more optimal life-course trajectories” (Kaminski, e1). If parents were better educated on how to take care of their children they could improve their lives greatly and even provide and create a way for their children to escape the hold of poverty instead of following in their parents footsteps. Little actions such as reading the child a book before bedtime would be better than nothing in helping them succeed in life. In these homes, however, the children are often unplanned and become an extra burden on the parent(s). There is little to no opportunities offered to parents to help their children grow up into a functioning and healthy member of

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