Childhood Trauma

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Childhood molestation is more common than the average person may think. My cousins and I were molested by my grandfather as children and some, even as teenagers. The trauma of being molested has caused me to be angry for a long time. It effected my childhood and my teenage years. This childhood trauma still continues to effect me in my adult life and my personal relationships. Being molested as a child was the worst thing to ever happen to me. My maternal grandfather was the one to molest me. He came to visit my mother when we lived in our house in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was only 7 years old at the time. I remember how he would call my 2 brothers, my sister and me to his room. He would offer us chocolates and various candies. Then, he would …show more content…

As the evening ended, somehow the conversation led to our childhood compared to how my sister raised her children. My brothers were complaining of how overprotective my sister was of her children. I explained to them that her fears were valid and that there were many predators out there to watch out for. My mother joined the conversation and expressed her feelings that a mother needs to relax and should not have to worry about what her kids are doing every second of every day. I became very hostile and angry towards my mother for making this statement. I burst into a fit of anger and I yelled at my mother that her negligence is what caused her 7 year old daughter to be molested at the hands (and mouth) of her perverted father. My mother was silent for a minute and stared at me in disbelief. She asked me why I never said anything to her and I reminded her of how she had slapped my sister for telling her what her father had done to me. I told her that being molested as a child is the reason I do not want to have any children. I told my mother that I never wanted my child to hate me the way that I hate her. I stormed out of my mother's house that day and I have not spoken to her since

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