Childhood Obesity Argumentative Essay

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There is no doubt that the human body encounters many changes throughout childhood/adolescence. Changes in height, weight, features, and lifestyle all take place throughout the early stages of life. Because most of us are attempting to find ourselves during these years, changes do not usually strike concern within anybody else. However, some things taken on during childhood may negatively affect an individual for a lifetime, one being obesity. Childhood obesity is not an issue that should be taken lightly; without solutions, the well being of our nation is put at risk.

During recent history the meaning of the term "obesity" has shifted from good to bad. A lack of food has harassed men since the beginning of mankind, causing fathom and death. Even as societies became modernized, an excess amount of body weight was desired; it showed wealth and "good" health. However, the past two centuries have provided everybody with basic necessities, including food. With less work required to acquire food and more food available, it is obvious that obesity rates would increase. Modernization isn't all to blame for obesity, though. Genetics, exercise, and lack of awareness are all factors that equate to obesity. …show more content…

Over the past 35 years, obesity rates have more than doubled for adults and more than tripled for children (cite). At such an alarming rate of increase, categorizing obesity as an epidemic is appropriate. Many people disregard obesity due to the fact that rates have remained the same the past few years. However, obesity rates are at an all-time high and its effects must be prevented. Besides immediate effects of obesity such as insecurity and embarrassment, health related disease and mental illness may plague an individual for life (Kelsey). The strength of our nation may be at risk if a high rate of our future leaders are obese and in bad

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