Childhood Field Day

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Child Hood Field Day.

I thought that must be a hundred degrees, as I waited for Mrs. Cailler, our school principal, to shout into her microphone.

“GO!” I heard, and started to run.

Even though it wasn’t a race, I was young, and wanted to zoom around the track like 6th graders could. Lea came up beside me and she was already sweating like crazy.

“I love field day, only I don’t like the hotness” I said, panting.

“You mean the heat, right?” She corrected me, as she always did.

We had only gotten half way around the track before I started to wonder why I wanted to do field day. I was too hot, too hot to run, too hot to wear this uniform, it was just too hot out. Soon running became jogging, jogging became walking and walking became just trying to keep myself from stopping and falling asleep right there on the track, with sixth graders --big, scary, and sometimes mean sixth graders.

Finally I got to the starting point and collect my first rubber band. This shows that I had done one lap, one hot, tiring, long lap. Again and again, I went around the track. I was sta...

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