Child Abuse And Abuse In Elementary School

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The Introduction Guidance has always been present in elementary schools since their existence. Through classroom teachers, student needs have been met not just academically, but also, socially and emotionally. Throughout the past few decades, with increasing diverse populations of students and developmental needs, guidance counselors have made their way into schools across the nation, bringing more individualized and group comprehensive support to students, their family and school staff. In today’s society, many elementary students especially in the urban community, are more vulnerable to the experiences of broken/single parent families, hardships and poverty. Furthermore, these children also witness alcoholism, drugs and abuse within the home that may cause severe social and emotional instability amongst other things. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services: Administration for Children and Families, out of 51 states reporting, approximately 3.8 million children received preventative services from Child Protective Service agencies in the US in 2012. As repo...

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