Cheryl Perera's Onechild

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One child exploited is one child too many, that’s the motto of the OneChild. Cheryl Perera is a Canadian children’s rights activist. As a teenager, she founded OneChild, a non-governmental organization which looks to eliminate the commercial sexual exploitation of children all around the world . Cheryl Perera first became involved in children's rights support after researching child sexual exploitation and sex tourism in Thailand for a high school class project. This organization has grown a lot since then and now shows us 3 important aspects of culture that the organization fulfills excellently. The aspect of humans creating culture, culture consists of ways of doing things and lastly, culture gives us our identity. In this essay, I will …show more content…

They are calling us young people to drive this organization forward, Cheryl Perera started this as a teenager and want teenagers to continue in her footsteps. Their mission is to To mobilize a global movement of young people to take action against the sexual exploitation of children through education & empowerment. She believes the youth have more power and strength than anyone, creating a culture of fresh brains that will create the world where every child is free from sexual exploitation and empowered to be agents of change. The culture grows with more and more people, the children that are rescued have grown to become child rights activists, Maryanne Salo a survivor of prostitution says “We dream of life of joy, free from violence and abuse, where rights and dignity are respected, let us help each other to make this dream a reality for the children of the world.” OneChild has helped many kids just like Maryanne, those kids to stand up for their rights and freedoms and will continue doing so as long as they are backed up by …show more content…

At OneChild, they take a rights-based approach to the elimination of child sex slavery. They look at the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the articles in the CRC says that children have the right to express themselves as it affects to issues concerning them. Other articles are concerned with the sexual exploitation and cruel treatment of children. So as you would expect, kids and teens should be involved in the process that aims at correcting these horrible acts. They know that today’s youth has an incredible power to change the world, and if they’re presented with the right tools and information, they will do just that. OneChild acts as motivation to organize an amazing but often disregarded force: youth. So OneChild looks toward the parents, educators, and other adult supporters to forge a youth-adult partnership with the goal of removing child sex slavery from the world. They save the children, giving them another chance at life. Some victims said that it was hard to recover from the hardships and torture they have faced, but with the help of other kids and teenagers of the same age, it’s easy to open up and let out all emotions and feelings. They believe that the kids aren’t at fault and that’s true, the kids are forced to by the circumstance that’s surrounds them at that point in

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