Cherokee Tribe Research Paper

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When the Spanish and the English first arrived to America they were greeted by none other than the Native Americans, the first to populate America. Native Americans have populated the lands of American for hundreds of years before the English and the Spanish had arrived and took over the land with their new ways and their teachings. In this research project there will be information provided about the Cherokee tribe. Before the research project is continued there are some things that need to be covered so that you - the reader - do not get confused about certain vocabulary used throughout the paper. “Muskogee, or Creek, is a Muskogean language of the American Southeast. The language has been in decline, but some young people are working to keep their ancestral language alive (1).” “Iroquoian languages are spoken in the eastern US and southeast Canada (1).” From there, there should really be no confusion. Creek is a language that is pretty much universal and was used to communicate between the various tribes in the Southeast sort-of like …show more content…

The tribe has had a very hard life. The best known issue in their lives was the Trail of Tears, which was the forces relocation of the Native Cherokee Indians from their ancestral homeland in the Southeast to Oklahoma. The Cherokee were an urban, Christian, agricultural, intermarried society who has supported the United States against other tribes. It is quite ridiculous that even though the Cherokee sided with the United States, they made them move their families all the way across the country for nothing. However, it wasn’t just the Cherokee that had to move. The Creek, Choctaw and other tribes had to move as well. Fifteen to twenty thousand Cherokee Indians were rounded up and sent to Oklahoma in the winter of 1838-1839. Between four and eight thousand Cherokee people died from exposure, starvation, disease and exhaustion along the way of the Trail of

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