Cherish-The Great

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Scientist Tom D'Souza lives with his son Cherish D'Souza in Mumbai. Cherish is married to Margie who works as a journalist. Tom works in a research institute for the Indian government and Cherish, while moonlighting as the superhero, is regularly fired from various day jobs due to lack of attendance. Tom is researching on a device that will bring life to dead tissues by the use of solar energy. Despite several attempts, he fails to complete the experiment due to the high intensity of sun rays. On a usual day, Cherish loses his job from the security wing of a company when he hears news about an airplane whose front tyres are stuck due to some malfunctioning which creates high risk, even if landed, it may explode and so will the passengers inside. Cherish immediately changes himself to superman and saves the plane from accident by holding the component to make tyres free to roam. A few days later, Tom hears about a deadly disease spreading in the African country of Namibia due to a virus whose antidote has not yet been discovered. He consults his friend Dr. Shetty about the situation. ...

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