Chemical Effects Of Marijuana Essay

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Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant that has many benefits for medical and recreational reasons. The plant is made of hundreds of chemicals, known as cannabinoids, each having different effects on your body. The two main chemicals used in marijuana are Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), this is the psychoactive compound in marijuana which means it is the element that produces the high. The second main chemical is Cannabidiol (CBD), this element does not produce any psychoactive effects. There are two main categories of Cannabis plants along with hundreds of strains that are used for different reasons and effects. The effects of consuming the drug depends on how often, what type and how they are consuming it. There are many ways on how to consume marijuana such as smoking it, eating it or even using it as an oil to rub on your skin. As of today, 29 states in the United States of …show more content…

The most common illnesses and conditions a sativa based strain can help are Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), depression, certain forms of cancer and Anorexia. The reason behind this strain helping these specific illnesses and conditions is because of the effects it gives. It will provide you with feelings of ease and will help fight depression while giving you uplifting thoughts. It can also help individuals diagnosed with Anorexia by giving the person a strong appetite. In addition to the effects that can help an individually medically, there are also effects that are used for one’s personal enjoyment. Cannabis Sativa is very popular among philosophers, artists and musicians due to it enhancing lights and sounds, and the rest of your surroundings more vibrant than before. Consuming this strain can increase one’s creativity and focus, while being easily

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