Cheating Journal

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There are two sides to every story. On Tuesday, December 29th, 2016 period 1, 9:26 AM I had my history test taken away from me by Ms.Cherenfant with the false accusation of cheating. Earlier that day I had come to school prepared and hoping for a good grade until that incidence. In this letter, I will recount the details of what happened that day. As I entered the classroom, I took out my notes and sat down just as every student does before being handed the test. I quickly skimmed through the information two times before she could come around to placing the test on my desk. I put down the sheet on my bookbag located at the side of my desk just like any other student, then commenced my test. The test was just as I made it out to be, troublesome …show more content…

I was viewed as a cheater by my own classmates. They started making jokes such as I don't shake a cheaters hand and saying things like ,“Mohamed are you an idiot, why would you cheat on the test” and “Mohamed I never viewed you as a cheater”. Not only did this incidence shame me but it also ruined my reputation( I could ask these people to testify but I’d rather not have them in trouble with Ms.Cherenfant, knowing her nature and all). I’ve never had an instance in the past where I was accused of cheating. You can ask all my other teachers. Never have I once cheated on a test throughout last school year. Now all of a sudden whenever people saw me they’d crack up and make a joke at my expense. I know this doesn't seem like much, but for four whole days, it was a lot to handle. Last term Ms.Cherenfant had made a counting error on my module test and I received a grade of 62.5% for it, shocked by how low I had gotten I recounted it and realized she had made a counting error. I later confronted her telling her about it and she then admitted that it was indeed a counting error. A whole 12.5% I had lost due to it. I was baffled. She then informed me that she was going to remake my report card due to it. To this day I still haven't received

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