Cheating And Technology Essay

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Technology has affected the work ethic of students in and outside the classroom. The focus will be on the morals of students and the ways that they are using technology to cheat and plagiarize. The more students are exposed to technology inside the classroom, studies show, the more they are open to cheating. It can lead to effects that may be serious for an individual.
Students today are adapting to the ways of cheating and plagiarizing. In David Mckay Wilson’s view, cheating had become one way to “cut corners,” he says (Wilson 3). In other words, Wilson believes that students are relying on technology to easily get what they need done in order to maintain the best grades they can. Although the act of cheating seems effortless, there has to …show more content…

According to Rachel Ellaway, academic honesty comes from one’s standards and morals. In other words Ellaway is saying without high standards and trustworthiness students may be more prone to being okay with cheating and plagiarising. Students that pick up the habit of cheating may have a change in standards which could potentially lead to a decrease in their work ethic later in life as they look for the easy way out of things. Cheating does not only lead to a lack of morals for students. Cheating in school can lead to other consequences that could ultimately become a problem in school. Depending on the school, many have a low tolerance for cheating and plagiarism. Getting caught cheating can result in possible expulsion and stay on your academic records. This can become a problem when trying to continue your education at other schools. Cheating can possibly affect an individual outside of the classroom. When cheating, one sacrifices their own reputation. In higher levels of education like college, when one gets caught cheating, it could carry on in their life. Teachers and future employers could become aware of one’s academic dishonesty and see that as an issue. Future employers do not want a member part of their team that may lack work ethic. The effects of cheating can be crucial for an

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