Charles Ramirez-Berg Stereotypes

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There are many influences that end up making stereotype what it is today. In reading Charles Ramirez-Berg article on “Categorizing the Other: Stereotypes and Stereotyping” gave wonderful insight to every element that is connected to stereotyping. Ramirez-Berg sums up stereotyping into three terms category making, ethnocentrism and prejudice. “A stereotype is the result of this process and can be defined as a negative generalization used by an in-group (Us) about an out-group (Them). Lippmann called these mental constructs “picture in our heads” (Ramirez-Berg pg. 15). In developing a bad stereotype there are two elements that take place. One is in having your own group be in the center of everything. Second is judging others in differences from your own. “Stereotyping regarding the Latina/o population in the United States seem to prevail in our public discourse, are promulgated by media, and go mainly unchallenged throughout our educational systems” (Rodriguez pg. 10). The Hollywood films caused the construction of whites stereotyping racial minorities. Films degraded Latinos and presented the …show more content…

“Two dangers arise when in-group members have little exposure to out-groups members or knowledge of out-group history” (Ramirez-Berg pg. 18). One is that history can be replaced by other group’s experience. Two is the stereotypical image can be taken as normal or even natural. The five functions of stereotyping that are developed and passed on to others. The first two are focused on a personal level. One is cognitive function of the environment. Two is motivational function protecting values. “The remaining three are at group level, where stereotypes contribute to the creation and maintenance of group beliefs which are then used…” (Ramirez-Berg pg. 28). Three is explaining in a large-scale social event. Four is to justify action. Five is to differentiate in and out

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