Charles Darwin's Theory Of Evolution By Natural Selection

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Charles Darwin developed a theory of biological evolution called Darwinism. Darwinism stating that all species of organisms begin and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited mutation that increase the individual’s ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. It was first defined in his book called “On The Origin Of Species” in 1859.

The theory of evolution by natural selection is the process by which organisms change over time as a result in changes in physical or behavioral traits. These changes can allow an organism to better adapt to its environment. It will also help it survive and have more offspring.

Did you know? Charles Darwin wasn’t the first scientist to develop a theory of natural selection. There was a french scientist named Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. He came up with the idea that an organism can pass its traits to its offspring. Another British scientist Alfred Russel Wallace, by himself, came up with the theory of evolution by natural selection. …show more content…

These changes are known as mutations. Mutations can begin or develop by random errors in DNA replication or repair. It can also begin or develop by chemical damage. Mutations can be either harmful, neutral, or in some cases it can be beneficial or good for an organism(this can happen in rare cases.)

Overall Charles Darwin is a very important person having to do with genetics because I think that without his idea and what he had developed than we wouldn’t know much about his theory which was the evolution of natural selection. I think that we wouldn’t know how we had started out as in this world or even how animals evolved from a land mammal to a water

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