Charles Christopher Sasquach

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Charles Christopher, the main character of The Abominable Charles Christopher, is a childlike Sasquatch living in an unknown forest surrounded by talking animals. The comic for the most part is in various tones of gray with the exception of bright whites or very dark black shades. The art is detailed and whimsical with special attention to feathers or fur. It’s a sweet, slow paced comic that primarily focuses on the Sasquatch but does feature peripheral and recurring characters. The setting of The Abominable Charles Christopher is a normal forest, with large trees and four seasons, meadows and streams. The comic strip doesn’t introduce the entire forest to the audience all at once; the setting is given in pieces that coincides the introduction …show more content…

Throughout the first volume, there’s a binky that never really leaves Charles. The binky symbolizes this innocence that Charles never seems to shed. Although the legend or myth that surrounds the Sasquatch casts him as a mystery, as something dangerous and deadly, Charles is by no means vicious or conniving or any sort. The binky is not always present in his mouth, but there are moments when he’s on his own or in a situation he wants no part of that this binky comes into existence. Charles’s eyes are round with small pupils; he has a small nose and fur that covers his top lip like a handlebar moustache so it gives him this comical, almost alien appearance in this setting where most of the other animals drawn remain fairly realistic. Despite Charles’s physical attributes and the importance of his eyes in discerning his emotions, it’s really his binky that gives it away. When he’s being a little cowardly or silly or just plain oblivious, the binky is in his mouth and when’s angered or particularly bothered by something, the binky falls to the ground or is simply nowhere in sight. “Paying attention to the details on the page fleshes out the basic impression that you get from the first glance” (Kukkonen,

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