The Importance Of Imagination

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Every great invention, business, book, or song has all had on thing in common. They share the fact that they were founded on a successful idea that first started out in the imagination of a certain individual. Obviously it’s not just seeing the idea that makes someone successful, it’s how they go about turning their thoughts into reality, which can take a lot of hard work and planning to finally reach ones ultimate goal. Imagination is a constant companion throughout that journey to success, it’s a key aspect in this ever-changing world to find new and innovative ways to improve ones ideas, and problem solving along the way.
The human imagination is unlike any thing else on the planet. Stephen Covey put it very well in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People when he defined imagination as, “the ability to create in our minds beyond our present reality.” This is a quality that is unique to us humans. The ability to take oneself and imagine them weeks, months or years down the road. It stretches way beyond anything that we are able to understand. And people who know how to make the most out of their imagination spawn ideas that are able to change the world.
Visualization is just another more specific way to put your imagination to work. It is creating in ones mind a vivid visual of anything. It could be as simple as focusing on what you want to complete tomorrow or a complex series of events with ultimate goal of leading you to your dream life 4 years down the line. Imagining these goals in great detail early on in the process is vital. Jack Canfield stated in his book The Success Principles that, “Visualization greatly accelerates the achievement of any success.” It does so in three different ways, the first being th...

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...t is possible to become what it is you are not. All with the power of visualizing. At first it will feel unnatural to act in these new confident and empowering ways but all one has to do is visualize that they are that person now, and after a while it will become something they no longer have to think about because that confident person is who they have become.
Imagination and visualization are also really efficient at helping one to make the right decisions. They do this with help of fear. Even though fear is often something that we try our hardest to avoid it can be extremely useful to our success. Karen Walker, a fiction novelist, spoke on fear at her 2012 TED talk describing it as, “an amazing act of the imagination… this unintentional story telling that we are all born knowing how to do.” Imagination helps us to think about what our fears are trying to tell us.

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