Characteristics Of Tom In The Great Gatsby

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If there is someone antagonistic or just a bad person in the Great Gatsby, it is Tom. He is a racist and angry man and he more often than not, ill-treats everybody he meets. Tom adores Daisy but he treats her more like a thing than a wife. He is having an affair with Myrtle, which obviously says something about his so called “love” for Daisy. During a party with some acquaintances, Tom broke Myrtle's nose for just talking about Daisy. Tom is extremely condescending to George, the man who works in the garage and is also Myrtle's husband. Tom seizes the opportunity to incriminate Gatsby in Myrtle's death as quickly as he can, thus ultimately leading to Gatsby and George's deaths.

Tom comes from money and is proud of his heritage. Gatsby comes from a super impoverished family and has made it his life's dream to attain money and success, to detach himself from his upbringing. One of several ways Gatsby is different from Tom, who came from vast amounts of money. Even though Tom is entirely the anti-hero of the novel, Gatsby is the star.

Gatsby and Tom are both obsessed with money; there is no denying that. Gatsby witnessed the life of luxury when he met Dan Cody; and his approach for winning Daisy back …show more content…

Gatsby is a splendid hero but he does have his shortcomings, which, of course include partaking in illegal happenings. A lot of people would condemn Gatsby for “ruining” Tom and Daisy's marriage but how good was their marriage anyway? While he does this for love, his engagements lead to disaster in the end of the novel. Tom is just as liable for the appalling events that unfold, if not more than Jay Gatsby! I cannot say that Tom is bad and Jay Gatsby is good but essentially, that is what it comes down to. Gatsby is the reader’s favorite, there is no doubting that everyone is pulling for Gatsby to get his lost love back and we don’t give a bother about what happens to Tom because let’s face it, no one likes

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