Character Analysis: Scat By Mrs. Starch

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“Hard work, pays off”, is a great quote that summarizes, if you work hard, you will get something good in return. This relates to Mrs. Starch because she works hard. In the book “Scat”, Mrs. Starch is a teacher, who teaches biology at the Truman school. One day her class went on a field trip, and during the field trip, there was a wildfire. During that event, she goes back inside the wildfire because of students' medicine. Mrs. Starch was a helpful teacher, but because of her hard work, everybody thinks she is evil. In return, she expects everyone else to work hard. In this essay, you will hear about how Mrs. Starch works hard and she helps her students, she changes Duane’s attitude and saves a baby panther, that she took care off.

Mrs. Starch …show more content…

Starch changed a kid’s personality and grades. Duane Scrod Jr. is a kid in Mrs. Starch’s biology class, who needs help in biology. He is an innocent pyro man who sets billboards on fire when he is very mad. His dad also set fire to a building, so Duane might just following his father. Mrs. Starch is also a hard worker because she changes Duane's attitude and helps him in biology. On Pg 268, Chapter 20, Mrs. Starch said that “I've been privately tutoring him in several subjects. You might have noticed a change in his punctuality and neatness at school.” At the end of the story, Duane helps the baby panther find the mother panther, and he saves Mrs. Starch’s life. As you can see in the quote, “Hard work, pays off”, Mrs. Starch educated Duane and in return, he saved Mrs. Starch’s life. Mrs. Starch was very generous in helping Duane because if he wasn't paying attention in class, that would be his fault. But Mrs. Starch takes time off her day and helps him with …show more content…

Starch works hard was because she had saved a baby panther. On Pg 271, Chapter 20, Mrs. Starch said that, “No, I haven't gone home since the fire.” During that time she was taking care of the baby panther. When Mrs. Starch went back into the fire, she freaked and screamed. Then Twilly, a person who loves the outdoors, comes and saves Mrs. Starch. On Pg 266, Chapter 20, Mrs. Starch said,”He grabs my hand and practically drags all the way to this camp. Doesn't ask who I am, or even if I'm hurt. All he says is: ‘I need your help.” Twilly had found a baby panther and wanted Mrs. Starch to take care of it so that he could find the mother panther. I think that Mrs. Starch helps Twilly find the mother panther because she cares about endangered animals, and panthers are considered endangered animals in Florida. If she helps save the baby panther, then she would be helping endangered animals, which she wanted to do in the first

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