Character Analysis Of Lancelot

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Lancelot is known to be the greatest knight in the Arthurian legend. He is talked greatly about by John Steinbeck and Sir Thomas Malory. In their tales, Lancelot, is shown as a perfect knight and has a pure personality. Sir Launcelot du Lake and The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights, present Lancelot in a way where he is likable by all. Lancelot’s pure personality and bravery makes him the greatest knight.
First, Lancelot is always loyal to his closest friends, such as Guinevere and King Arthur. The love triangle that Lancelot is involved in, is with Guinevere and Arthur. In John Steinbeck’s The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights, Lancelot is always loyal to his King, Arthur. Lancelot shows this when he kisses Guinevere and feels …show more content…

In Sir Thomas Malory’s Sir Launcelot du Lake, Lancelot shows his honesty many times. For example, when he was captured by the four queens and was asked whom he wanted to marry, he blatantly refused all of them. “A hard choice! Understand that I choose none of you, lewd sorceresses that you are; rather will I die in this cell.” (Malory 1075). Lancelot stands for what he thinks is right and rejects all of them, because of his love for Guinevere. His honesty makes the queens go away, but at the cost of him staying imprisoned. Later in the story, Lancelot encounters the knight, Sir Tarquine, who has captured his friends. Sir Tarquine hates Lancelot and does not realize that the knight in front of him is Lancelot. When Sir Tarquine asked if he was Lancelot, Lancelot replies that he is. “Sir, I see now that I might go in peace and good fellowship or otherwise fight to the death; but being the knight I am, I must tell you: I am Sir Launcelot du Lake, son of King Ban of Benwick, of Arthur’s court, and a knight of the Round Table.” (1079). Since Lancelot follows the Code of Chivalry, he reveals himself to Sir Tarquine. If Lancelot was not honest, he would not be considered a

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