Character Analysis: Jackie Robinson, Melba Pattillo Beals

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Studysync Informational Essay

Have you ever been excluded? These people have but overcame them and changed their country. Jackie Robinson, Melba Pattillo Beals, and Feng Ru faced many challenges in their life like racism. Feng Ru was the person who brought aviation to China. Melba Pattillo Beals was one of the first African Americans to go to school. Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play in the major leagues.

Feng Ru was the first one to bring aviation to his homeland of China. He faced many challenges but overcame them. A few of the challenges that Feng Ru faced was he did not have much space in his workshop, he also crashed significant his planes, and the anti-Chinese settlement was on the way. Did you know what his last words were? ‘Your faith in the progress of your cause is by no means to be affected by my death.’”, said Ru. Even though, he faced many challenges He was the first one to bring aviation to his homeland. …show more content…

He had been forced to live with rebuffs and rejections for his whole life. He also like Feng Ru overcame it and made history. The Brooklyn Dodgers owner Branch Rickey took a big risk by doing this. Most his friends told him to quit the experiment. A player on the Dodgers named Pee Wee Reese became a good friend of Robinson. Robinson also faced death attempts, can you imagine almost being killed by someone?

Melba Pattillo beals was one of the first African American students to go to an all white school that was later integrated. She was brave to be one of the first nine to go into an integrated school. On the first day of the school about 50 soldiers came to her house to take her to school, at school white kids shouted mean insults, showed their fists and did not treat her and the other black kids kindly. Melba and the other black kids did not react as they were

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