Character Analysis: Egghead By Caroline Pignat

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It only takes one person to stop bullying. In the novel Egghead by Caroline Pignat, that one person is Devan. He is the key to stopping bullying in his high school for many reasons. My essay will include a summary of all the major points that help Devan to be that one person. Devan is a hero because he is caring, he does not judge a person by their cover, and he turns from a bully to an upstander. "Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have." - Margaret Mead. To be caring is the first step to make a change, as explained in this quote by Margaret Mead. Devan is caring because he does not ignore the pain that Will and Katie were suffering. "I feel bad. I mean, I wouldn't have mentioned

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