Character Analysis: A Tree Grows In Brooklyn By Betty Smith

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The novel “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” by Betty Smith is a both significant and interesting novel for its fascinating story of Francie Nolan’s physical and emotional growth. To begin, young Francie lets the reader understand that even through poverty, it is important to enjoy the little things in life, to value life itself even when it is evidently polluted by greed. Secondly, as Francie grows up, her fall from innocence during her conflicts in life causes her not to be jaded with the world but to become stronger. Growing up is filled with both joy and acrimony, and Francie Nolan’s life is a great example of how a young woman should grow up to be. In Francie’s youth, the reader learns that the small joyous things are the true elation …show more content…

Additionally, she experiences her fall from innocence as she grows up and sees the ugly side of the world. Each year, each chapter, it is shown of how she learns more of the darkness in the world- more about her poverty, her father’s drunkenness, and her class status. Here Francie’s mother states, “Sometimes I think it's better to suffer bitter unhappiness and to fight and to scream out, and even to suffer that terrible pain, than to just be... safe. At least she knows she's living.” (Page) Certainly, these words speak to every human being who has to work painfully to live; that life itself is despondency. Additionally, the strength of Francie is compared to the symbolization of the tree in front of their tenement. The tree that grows in Brooklyn symbolizes the hardship and perseverance of life. The tree which struggles to live almost no soil, light, or water, but it strives to live. Just as how Francie will live no matter how sick and tired she is of this world. In conclusion, Francie Nolan speaks to the readers to stay strong through the harsh circumstances. All things considered, the story, “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” by Betty Smith is a great read to all as Francie Nolan narrates her life. First, the readers will learn to love the small, joyous things in life and to know that happiness is not a far away thing. Secondly, the readers will learn that through painful conflicts in life one can become stronger. Learning to live can be arduous, but it can make you

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