Challenges Faced In Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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While monster and Cyclops’ may not affect soldiers as they’re returning home and their at home life like they did Odysseus’, but there are still several other things that will affect their homecoming and daily life. The challenges and difficulties Odysseus faced relate to the challenges and difficulties soldiers of today face. For example Odysseus was gone for many years and missed major parts of his family’s life.Another example is, Odysseus entered Polyphemus’ home looking for help and shelter, but instead Polyphemus ate his men and was going to eat him. Another example if this is, soldiers may not have everything they had when they went to war because of financial issues or divorce. The last example of this is, soldiers have to deal with the anxiety of returning to society and re-adjusting to their normal lives.
Today’s soldiers and even Odysseus deal or have dealt with anxiety. Even though soldiers didn’t have to literally …show more content…

Also, some of today’s soldiers may have the same worries and concerns about do their spouses will their spouses still love them and will their life go back to normal once they return. They may also have to deal with the anxiety of returning to society and trying to fit in,and wondering if their kids will remember who they are.While soldiers may not be gone for twenty years they can still be gone for a very long time, so for some of the younger members of the family may not recognize them because they were very small when that person left. Odysseus had this same concern and it most likely bothered him when Telemachus didn’t recognize him as his father. Also when this happens soldiers may have problems reconnecting with their families and even their friends. Even though at this point the soldiers have returned home the war may never end for

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