Cerebral Palsy Graduation Speech

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Thank you for the kind words, Mr. Wamsley. To the graduating class of 2016, I am honored to be here. You may wonder why I talk the way I do. My body is twisted and my speech is hard to understand. I have cerebral palsy. It is a medical condition that affects the muscles, nerves and brain. It is a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination and disability caused by damage to the brain before or after birth. My condition was caused by a lack of oxygen when I was born ( the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck). One thing I would like for you to know is that my mind works fast , but it takes my muscles a while to catch up. It is not contagious and it is not hereditary. I was diagnosed around 6 months after I was born. My parents were told I wouldn’t live to be 3 years old. Then after going …show more content…

I’ve been fighting all these odds against me all my life. I’m going to take this opportunity to say, “ I have Cerebral Palsy”, What’s your excuse?” If I can do this, so can you. I grew up in Valley Head. I was the youngest of seven kids. When I was younger, I was able to walk and run and jump. I didn’t have the opportunity that kids have today. We could only get 2 TV stations. We didn’t have cell phones or computers. We had to make our own entertainment. We played in the creeks and we played softball in the summer and touch football in the fall and basketball in the wintertime. I never rode the bus until I was in 9th grade going to Tygarts Valley. Back in those days, you didn’t have the peer pressure. Kids and parents looked out for one another. Growing up, I wanted to be a coach and the governor of West Virginia. I did coach little league baseball, grade school basketball and junior high basketball. I didn’t have to do any of those things, but I wanted to give back to the community. If you can give back to your community by volunteering, then do

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