Ceo Challenges

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College and the job of a successful CEO require my abilities to solve complex problems, communicate with all, and have ambition to achieve extraordinary goals. According to Naviance, a college readiness website, complex problem solving is a basic skill I will need as a company executive. A business is always moving and each day brings new obstacles. As a CEO, I will have to solve problems so small as which color a product should be, and so large as which benefits I will provide for my employees. When encountered by a dilemma, I need to be open to new ideas and suggestions because problems are not just black and white. Each issue has multiple sides and there might not be one right or wrong solution. Because it is helpful to take in new perspectives …show more content…

I will have to guide my employees and speak to them in a helpful way. In addition to my employees, I will have to bargain with my manufacturers. To receive the best deal, being respectful, yet standing strong to my proposal is necessary. Communication with my customers, who will be benefitting from these deals, is the most crucial. I will need to work out conflicts related to my products and be able to think like a consumer. Even before they purchase my product, I need to know what products and methods of outreach appeal to them. I can learn this by constantly conversing with them and learning their opinions. That knowledge will aid me in improving my products and my company as a whole. Ambition goes hand and hand with that idea. As CEO, I would be my own boss, so I have to push myself and keep myself motivated. To do so, I will need to set goals and rewards for achieving my goals. As long as I am innovative, communicate well, and stay passionate I will be on the right path to being a successful …show more content…

Because I am a person who enjoys adventure, I try to incorporate new activities into my day-to-day life.This semester, I started learning how to play guitar. I had played a musical instrument in the past but did not put enough time or effort into mastering it. I decided to try a new instrument to make myself more well-rounded and add an activity to my schedule that brings me joy. An acting class at Nicolet was another new activity I chose to sign up for in my sophomore year. I selected this course to gain experience and knowledge pertaining to theater and to practice public speaking before unfamiliar audiences. The people I will meet in this class might be people that I wouldn't normally talk to so this would give me the opportunity to make new friendships. Gaining the observations and perspectives from different people will be very beneficial to my life. In order to do that, though, I have to utilize my communication skills. Ever since elementary school, I have worked on being able to talk to and empathize with people. My mom, having a career based on communication, has taught me to always look at both sides of the story. In order to truly understand someone, I have to realize the reasoning behind their feelings and thoughts. With that insight, I am able to sympathize with whoever I am speaking to. In addition to my empathy, I practice leadership skills in my board

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