Censorship In The Novel 1984 George Orwell

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George Orwell in the novel 1984 brought a sinister view of how life would be like under constant control. The astounding novel 1984 is a satire of Satanism. He deeply regards Oceania’s totalitarian impulse by keeping people in Oceania suppressed. Orwell’s world in Oceania emphasizes total brainwashing over the people of Oceania. They are taught at a young age to obey orders and pay loyalty to the government. Orwell embeds a basis where people were always under the government’s control. The motto “Big Brother is watching you” depicts an absolute ruler that rules over all the people. This furthers the concept that government obtains all power over its people. In the novel 1984 the themes of censorship,propaganda,and worship of Big Brother are all existent in our modern day. In essence, these themes provide the government full control. …show more content…

In this novel, Winston Smith, the main character works in the Ministry of Truth which distorts the truth. Many of the information disputed out of the telescreen were all falsified so the public remain clueless. Relating to modern day, China’s censorship on the internet doesn’t allow people to comprehend the truth. In China, truth is distorted by the government and revised such that gives the Chinese government full control. “ And the Records Department after all was itself only a single branch of the Ministry of Truth, whose primary job was not to reconstruct the past but to supply the citizens of Oceania with newspapers,films,textbooks,telescreen programs,plays,and novels. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie becomes truth. Just once in his life he had possessed-after the event: that was what counted-concrete unmistakable evidence of an act of falsification.” ( Orwell

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