Cellular Respiration Lab Report

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Honors Biology Test Respiration
1.)Cellular Respiration is the process that creates energy. This mainly happens in the cells organelles. Cellular respiration can only function with either sugar, or some type of food molecule. Unlike plants, we can’t sue the sun’s energy to make food. Within cellular respiration there are three processes, glycolysis, the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle), and the electron transport chain (ETC). Cellular Respiration begins with Glycolysis. Glycolysis happens in the cytoplasm of the cell.In Glycolysis there are two major parts. Part 1 is the investment stage, and part 2 is the harvest stage. To begin the investment stage, you need glucose (C6H12O6). The glucose must be broken down into smaller parts, so the cell uses 2 ATP to break it down. One phosphate with be detached from each ATP, making them ADP. Usually, an enzyme will help speed the process up. The next step is the splitting of 1,6 Fructose Biphosphate. The 1,6 Fructose Biphosphate will have two CH2OP, each P stands for the phosphate that the glucose gained in step one. Another enzyme will help …show more content…

The NADH’s will go to the first protein, while the FADH2’s go to the second protein. There, the hydrogen will be separated from each product. Once inside the proteins, the Hydrogens are split apart creating a proton and an electron. The proton will go out of the membrane, while the electron stays inside the protein. Since the electrons and protons both want to get back together, the electrons will go from protein to protein. The proton will follow. Until they get the ATPASE, where they will join and create hydrogen again. This causes the ATPASE to spin and combine ADP with P. This creates more ATP. The hydrogen will combine with the oxygen we breathe in to create water. Overall, the process is complete. In all, the processes have created 40 ATP, minus the two ATP’s you used. Which means you have 38

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