Celebrity Body Image Self-Discrepancy

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Participants were tested to determine their body image self-discrepancy levels, and how celebrities body positive comments affected those levels. There were no significant results found between individuals actual and ideal self-discrepancy, and the body positive or neutral article stimulus’. A two-way between group factorial ANOVA was conducted to compare the participants’ body image self-discrepancy with the article stimulus they were presented with. No significant difference was found between the celebrity presenting the message (Carrie Underwood or Melissa McCarthy) and participants self-discrepancy levels F(1,20) = 1.87, p > .05, = .086. No significant difference was found between the messages that participants were given (body positive …show more content…

There was no statistical significance to confirm that presenting participants with a body positive message, creates a lesser degree of self-discrepancy among participants as a whole. This could be because the body positive message was too passive and not strong enough. Future research should use a campaign such as Dove or American Eagle Aerie that are bold and well-known body positive statements. Researchers rejected H2, which stated that participants that receive messages from Carrie Underwood will have higher levels of self-discrepancy than those receiving messages from Melissa McCarthy. There was no statistical evidence to confirm that messages coming from a fit celebrity increased participants self-discrepancy levels than when the message came from a celebrity that does not meet the media’s ideal body shape. This could be because not all participants were familiar with the celebrity they were given, and the photo did not do a good enough job of representing the weight of the celebrity. Future research should use photos that compensate for participants that are unknowing of either celebrity. Researchers rejected H3, which stated that participants that were given body positive statements by Melissa McCarthy will have the smallest self-discrepancy gap. This could be for …show more content…

Only 25 participants were used in total, thus not allowing for much variety among results. Another limitation is that all participants were enrolled in some type of psychology course at the small, Midwestern university. When doing the study again, it would be beneficial to extend an offer to other majors on campus in order to get a larger sample. A third limitation is that this study was designed strictly for women, but could easily be tweaked for the addition of male participants. A final limitation is that because extra credit was given to participants for showing up to the study, there was no incentive for them to do well. The researchers have no way of measuring how much effort each participant put into the study. It could be that once the participant showed up and got their credit, they put no real effort reading the message thoroughly or answering the questions accurately. This could have skewed the results in a negative

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