Causes Of Conpretation In James Madison's Federalist 10

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In James Madison’s Federalist Paper #10, he talks about a “faction” which is pretty much a political party. Madison talks about seeing faction as a central concern because us as humans, no matter who you are, have different opinions on different subjects. If you’re a wealthy person, you tend to have more to offer than someone with less money which puts you at a greater advantage making the “faction” unfair. Madison sees this as a central concern mainly because it can be really twisted and can put other people’s opinions, (the rich) over others. To Madison, there are only two ways to control a faction and those are, to remove it’s causes and control the effects. If you would want to remove the causes of a faction, it would be nearly impossible …show more content…

The causes of factions are apart of the nature of being humans so we have to put up with it and accept the effects. This is why the government created the constitution. When creating the constitution, the framers established a representative form of government which is the style that we use today, the citizens elect who goes into which office. This works out because the people decide who goes into the office and this doesn’t leave any room for the biased votes of the higher up people to decide. Madison goes on by saying that if this new plan of government is adopted, he hopes that the men elected into office are at least good and honest men. He also explains that this could be compromised because the men that shouldn’t be apart of the government could also weasel their way in and get votes from citizens by maybe bribing them or making them believe they’ll do something but never actually doing it. He says that this could be reduced because the United States is so large and theres too many people to notice that happening. The likely hood that good men will be chosen into office is greater because there is far greater citizen voting them into office than there ever have been before. The Separation of Powers devised by the framers of the Constitution was designed to do one …show more content…

Based on their experience, the framers didn’t want to give any branch of government too much power because they always take advantage of it. Keeping the powers separated provides a system of shared power known as checks and balances. They also came up with a system called the separation of powers which give the legislative, executive and judicial branches their own powers so they don’t use it to their advantage and abuse it. The legislative branch has the power of being responsible and enacting the laws of the state and appropriating the money necessary to operate the government. The executive branch is responsible for implementing and administering the public policy enacted and funded by the legislative branch and finally, the judicial branch is responsible for interpreting the constitution and laws and applying their interpretations to controversies brought before it. These different branches help keep each other in line so they don’t abuse the power they’re given. Faction can also happen when the government is passing bills. Article 1, Section 7 states that, “every bill which shall have

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