Cause Of The Democratic Revolution

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The most important causes of the Democratic Revolution of the 1770’s through the 1810’s were political causes because many people didn’t have a voice in the government. Another important cause was social causes because a lot of people were oppressed and didn’t have the same social power as other people.

Political causes were important influences for the Democratic Revolutions because many people did not have a say in the government.An example that supports this is The French Revolution. This Revolution started in 1789 and ended until 1799 and was a time of overarching political pandemonium in France. The government that France had during this time period was a monarchy, a type of government were one person or a royal family rules the country.
A good example of social issues causing the Democratic revolutions would be the French Revolution. The main reason why this revolution falls under the social category is because of how unfairly and poorly treated the third estate was during this time. As mentioned above France’s social class was divided up in a social hierarchy. The first and second estate made up about 3% of the population and included the clergies and nobles, but were the richest, owned the most land, and were at the top of the hierarchy. While the third estate, which included the common people, was at the bottom. The third estate had a strong hatred towards the higher social classes and the Nobles lived luxurious lives and didn’t care whatsoever for the common people and how they lived. The conditions of how the third estate lived and worked were horrible. Many philosophers, lawyers, and writers belonged to the third estate and convinced the common people for a revolution. As they became rebellious, some clergies and nobles also joined in this rebellion. This example proves why this was the most important cause for the Democratic Revolution because during this time, the third estate was not represented and the first estate could not care less for their living and work standards. This
The main cause for this revolution was the lack of foundational stability in Haiti’s society. The Social groups before the revolution were slaves, Grands Blancs, Petits Blancs, and the gen de couleur. During this time, slaves made up 90% of the population. This meant that the slaves were oppressed pretty much every day. Yet, this oppression against the colored people just fueled the fire for the revolution. The biggest thing that any slave at this time would have wanted was freedom and the abolition` of slavery all together while taking away social inequality. This was pretty much the main focus throughout the entire revolution. The gens de colour may have been free, but that didn’t stop people from discriminating them and treating them unfair as well. This example is one of the most important causes for the Haitian revolution because all of the people that oppressed the people of color made them angry and it also wanted them to have social equality and freedom more than anything. This then made the slaves revolt against their masters and chased and killed off the white people that lived on the

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