Cause Of Diversity In The Workplace Essay

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The Cause and Effects of Diversity in the Workplace As companies began to offer workplace principles of independence, out of the box thinking and open-door policies; wouldn't it be even more important to have a cultured workplace. Workplace diversity is the here & now and also the wave of the future as markets expand into global territories. Setting the legal obligations asides a company should want to maximize its potential by reaching out beyond its current marketable persons and into other bodies of people. The cause of having such a diverse foundation shows growth and understanding to support the "changing of the times" of the modern workforce. The effects are how diversity impacts the company's personnel, economy, and global markets. Diversity: Definition, Laws, Protected Groups Within an organization, diversity is considered a having a population of people that are of different races or cultures working collectively. From this collection of people, a variance of perspective is formed and talent is fostered in order to maximize performance. These great minds work …show more content…

Respecting one's individual differences can increase productivity. Diversity in the workplace can show value in marketing, talent acquisition and staffing, nurturing creativeness, and the overall business image. Creativity is the key to healthy workplace competitiveness, diversity is critical for an organization's success. Employment of the protected groups (age, social class, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice, and public assistance status) is what causes diversity in the workplace by law. Anyone from the protected groups and the employer has the right to file a claim of discrimination with the EEOC. The claim is then addressed by the EEOC to the organization through a litigation

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