The Importance Of Diversity Training

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Cultural diversity is increasingly important due to higher globalization and the ease of movement from one industry to another, and throughout the world; organizations that embrace this diversity have been shown to have a better internal culture, higher creativity, better relationships, and resistance to groupthink mentalities (Grivastava & Kleiner, 2015). Diversity is often thought of as ethnic, but diversity can cover things ranging from diverse religious views to different perspectives on how work should be accomplished. Diversity is not a weakness, quite the opposite, diversity can build a competitive advantage for organizations that make the effort to understand and cultivate it. Diversity is increasing, not decreasing, and this is evidenced …show more content…

Reactions of trainees have been shown to be an effective measure of training objective attainment (Bezrukova et al., 2012). Diversity training, by its very nature, would need to measure the reaction of the trainees in relation to the training, since without a positive reaction there can be little hope that the managers will apply anything they learn. A survey at the end of the training, and several follow-up online surveys would gauge not only the reaction to the training, but also subsequent attitudes about the training. A survey similar to the Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey would examine a wide range of attitudes and feelings toward diversity in culture (Bezrukova et al., 2012) It would be recommended that computer training continue on a regular basis throughout the year, which would give data on how much information was retained by the managers, and also how successful they feel they are in applying the knowledge. It would also be useful to survey the employees and determine whether they feel their viewpoints are considered more fairly, and what, if anything, they still feel is an issue. The use of employee surveys with diversity indices would help track behavior after the diversity training (Cocchiara et al., 2010). These suggestions would allow for assessment of the reaction, learning, and to an extent, behavior criteria. Direct observation at semi-regular intervals of managers and their staff would also be useful in determining the learning and behavioral changes due to the diversity

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