Catapults Research Paper

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Catapults have been a major part of war for many countries for years. They have helped lengthen the firing distance for countries and have therefore allowed soldiers to stay further away from the opposing country. Catapults came about as attempts to put more power and range in crossbows. In 399 BC a Greek historian, Diodorus Siculus, was the first person to document a catapult with an arrow hand, also known as a ballista. The French were the first army to use catapults as a weapon. This happened during the 1216 Siege of Dover. As the war spread through Europe catapults became more needed and the English made there walls higher so the French would use their catapults to either shoot the wall and damage it or hit the people inside the wall. Catapults were used throughout Europe, mainly by the French during 885 – 886 BC until better defence systems were enforced. …show more content…

The ballista gets its name from the Greek word “Ballistes”, which means to throw. The ballista’s design is basically a giant crossbow. It has two wooden arms that are connected to a piece of rope that was usually made of human hair or animal sinew. The rope was attached to a winch that would get pulled back therefore bending the arm. When it was release the ballista would shoot a large arrow or dart towards the enemy. Although the ballista has fantastic aim and hits the target nearly every time it doesn’t have the same power as the trebuchet or mangonel. It was the earliest catapult made. There was also the springald which was a smaller version of the ballista. It was used in more confines places such as castles or towers. It was applied mainly as an antipersonnel weapon. The ballista is believed to be invented by Greeks and modified later by

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