Cassiopeia Research Paper

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My favorite constellation, if I have to choose one, is Cassiopeia. Why? Because I have birthmarks on my right upperarm that look exaclty like the constellation. Also, this constellation is visible troughout the year in the Netherlands, where I live. The stars you'll find within the Cassiopeia constellation are: Schedar, Caph, Cih, Ruchbah, Segin, Achird and Marfak. In Greek Mythology, Cassiopeia was the queen of the Ethiopians. She was married with Cepheus and was the mother of Andromeda. She would claim she was more beautiful than Nereus's daughters, the Nereïden. Als punishment for this hubris, Poseidon sent a flood and the seamonster Ceto to the city of Joppa (where she ruled). Perseus later defeated this monster. Because of her vanity,

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