Cassie Parks 'Learning To Love Yourself'

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Learning To Love Yourself
By Cassie Parks
Feb 17, 2013
Making the decision to love yourself is a tough but important one to make. It is only at the point that somebody chooses to love herself that she can move forward happily with her life.

One of the first steps on the way to self-love is to think about all the things that make a person great. People can nurture themselves by thinking of things they enjoy about themselves. They should also understand how important it is to become their own best friend and to genuinely enjoy their own company. Making mistakes is an important part of self-acceptance.

On the journey to finding self-love, every little step counts. Staying motivated can help somebody by allowing her to acknowledge even her smallest accomplishments. These small accomplishments add up, and …show more content…

Forgiveness and letting bygones be bygones are important factors involved in self-acceptance. There is no use crying about things that nobody can go back in time to change. Working toward a brighter future is the key. If somebody focuses her efforts on making do with what is actually possible, relaxation and love are easier to come by.

Learning to share gratitude and kindness with others helps to create love in two ways. Not only will others learn to love the person who initially shared with them, but the sharer will also feel better about it. Participating in random acts of kindness is also a big confidence booster, as it helps to build a strong sense of value for oneself.

Taking care of the body is essential to living a long, happy and healthy life. It is more important for somebody to look the way she wants to look than to adhere to another person's standard of beauty. Health is not as objective as many people like to think, so it is a good idea to consider making doctor, dentist and psychologist appointments if it is

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