Case Study: What Color Is Your Personality

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October 18, 2016 the Career Services Center collaborated with Tracy Flynn Bowe from New Directions to bring SCSU What Color Is Your Personality. The lively event was held at 12:30pm in the Cascade Ballroom, located in the Atwood Memorial Center. The purpose of the event was to gain more self-awareness and embrace our personalities. It was an informative, exuberant, entertaining seminar that was worth attending. It jumpstarted the catalyst to start becoming more aware of who we are and our personal traits.
During the event I learned a variety of information that relates to our biology and human relation classes. Through this seminar I was taught that our personalities are all related to neurology and that each person has more prominent personalities. The left side of the brain is the side that associates with the facts, data, order, and logic. On the other side of the brain, the right half of our brain is associated with creativity, ‘big pictures’, and independence. Finally, the event taight me to be satisfied with my personality color and to embrace my stregths and weaknesses.
In addition, the “What Color Is Your Personality” was a cross topic lecture that kept everyone involved. The guest speaker, Tracy Flynn Bowe was able to make …show more content…

Many ‘orange’ people use the left side of there brain first in a situation, and don’t make a decision until they have asked themselves how they feel about it. My color demands that I need harmony and security in my life to be happy. Furthermore, an orange person will thrive off of relationships and they are often found being a caregiver to others, no matter the amount of time they have known that person. About eighteen percent of the population has an ‘orange’ personality. Overall, many of this group is found in the health field, education, and social

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