Second Amendment Sisters: Advocacy for Women's Gun Rights

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Second Amendment sisters Inc., also known as SAS, is a women’s advocacy group dedicated to preserving the basic human right of self-defense as recognized by the Second Amendment. They believe in personal responsibility, education, and enforcement of laws against violent criminals. SAS was founded in 1999 by five women who got together on the internet in response to The Million Mom March, a rally on Mother’s day, may 14th 2000 designed to keep guns out of the hands of children and criminals through promotions of tighter restrictions. A counter rally by the pro-gun SAS was held the same day. The five ladies discovered they had something in common: they didn’t want the anti-gun rights Million Mom March to speak for them. For five months, along with but small dedicated groups of volunteers, using one of today’s most influential pieces of technology the internet. The SAS was created so that women of all ages could have a place where they could practice their right to bear arms. This was accomplished by bringing other smaller groups to places like colleges and other women from all over the U.S especially states that had/have very strict gun control laws. Unfortunately, the advocacy group couldn’t get much support because of the …show more content…

Yet if we take the time and teach them how to be safe around guns they could understand how to use them in a dangerous situation. A majority of school shootings and other tragedies could have ended sooner and resulted in less casualties if the women were able to defend themselves. One in four teachers in males which leads to a substantial amount of female teachers. This means in a way if we showed women how to defend themselves properly that they could potentially protect themselves and create a safer environment and protect them under unpleasable

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