Case Study Of Sybil Dorsett

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Sybil Dorsett is someone who is known for having 16 different personalities. Sybil grew up in a small town in Wisconsin as an only child. She was abused verbally, as well as, physically by her mother when she was a child. Sybil mother suffered from a mental illness which was probably the reason for the abuse toward Sybil. Even though her father was never really around, Sybil grew up in a two parent household. Her parents never believed in mental illness or seeing any psychologist because of their religious beliefs. Sybil’s mother and father referred to hypnoses and therapy as the “devils work”. Hattie, who is Sybil’s mother, was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia by a physician, but went untreated up until she died. Her mother mood changed …show more content…

Life and death instincts. In a sense everyone possess life instincts. Freud describes life instincts as having the need for food, water, air, and sex for survival. Freud truly believed that sexual aspect of life instinct is more important than the other two. Freud also notated that the sexual content of life instincts takes place when someone seeks pleasure by their thoughts and behaviors. For example, one might seek pleasure by stealing merchandise and having the possibility of being caught. Moreover, the second instinct is called death instincts. Death instincts occur when aggression takes over the unconscious. Death instincts are indeed seen in Freud went through something similar in his life after losing a …show more content…

The defense mechanism include: repression, denial, reaction formation, projection, regression, rationalization, displacement, and sublimation. Repression is defined as having denial of issues that exist because it may cause anxiety. Denial is similar to repression except denial refers to external and traumatic events. Reaction formation occurs when the impulse is the opposite of the id. Projections is when a person projects anger to something other than the problem. Regression refers back to another time frame, such as a place that is less traumatic. Rationalization is reanalyzing behavior to something more appropriate. Displacement is taking anger out on someone or something else rather than the actual problem at hand. Sublimation occurs when person alters pleasure seeking

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