Carry Nation Outline

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I. Introduction Carry A. Nation was a saloon smasher and prohibitionist during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Carry Nation was an advocate for prohibition before the 18th amendment was ratified. She felt it was her duty from God to shut down alcohol sale at its source, the saloon. Carry was so against the sale of alcohol she went to saloons and destroyed them with her trusty hatchet and anything else that could be used to smash. Many other temperance movements like the Women’s Christian Temperance Union supported her cause. Historians believe she influenced early ideas for the 18th Amendment. II. Background Born Carry Amelia Moore she grew up around little alcohol. The most alcohol she experienced was from her mother's father, …show more content…

Synthesis Her hatred did not start until after she married her first husband. Carry meet Dr. Charles Gloyd at her home. He was one of the family's boarders. Her parents warned that he was a drunk. Carry did not listen because she believed “...her love for him would effect a cure.”. Dr. Gloyd's medical practice started to go downhill as a result of his drinking. Carry soon became pregnant and hoped that maybe the child could change Charles. After Carry discovered she was pregnant her father visited and realized how bad the situations was. He urged her to move back in with them. She realized that this was not a good environment for a child. Carry moved in with her parents but continued to have hope for Charles. After her daughter was born she realized she could never move out of her parents home. Charles could not support her is his state. She spoke with him once and he claimed he would be dead in six months if she did not stay to help him with his problem. Carry received a telegram about six months later saying that Charles Gloyd had died of pneumonia which had been made worse by problems consistent with heavy …show more content…

On December 27, 1900 she scoped out the bar. On December 28 Carry came back smashing. She threw rocks, bricks and used an iron bar to smash. From an article written for The Wichita Daily Eagle “The liquor was wasted. The sight of the liquor on the floor evidently encouraged her.” Carry smashed the mirror behind the bar, liquor cabinets and almost ruined a painting called Cleopatra at the Bath. She caused almost $400 in damages. She was arrested by Detective Park Massey. After many arrests Carry was still not deterred from her mission. Another smash of Carry’s was in Topeka. All of the saloon owners feared her by now. "She simply called to have a talk to 'those poor, silly boys who don't know how the devil has blinded them. . . .'" Carry just wanted to warn the men about the they were causing to themselves and others. She threatened them, warning she would be back. Unless they closed their saloons. She wrote in her autobiography “Vote for our prohibition president and God will bless you.” . Carry firmly believed that she was a messenger for

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